
Daytime research scientist. Nighttime music producer (I compose electronic music based on brain frequency alteration).

Currently working on my post doc, combining neuroscience, information science, neuro and cellular oscillations, cognitive science, and quantum biology sciences.

Bio: Dr. Niloufar Sarraf has dedicated her life to studying cognitive, information, and neuro sciences! As a student of human cognition, she is connecting and integrating the disciplines of neuroscience, technology, cognitive psychology, and quantum biology. Dr. Sarraf positioned her doctoral work within the field of Neuro Information Science, which won her the ‘Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award, 2019’ . In her thesis, she mapped the neural oscillations of information search process model.

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7 responses to “About

  • Dr Akhilesh K.S. Yadav, Asst Professor

    Dear Nilo Sarraf,
    It’s really very appreciation to see your profile through SJSU SLIS Gateway Ph.D program. Best wishes for new year 2012 and It’ll proceed you for your best work.

  • Todd Pierce

    Hello Nilo Sarraf,

    Your blog greatly appeals to me for your interest in the way affect influences information users. I am currently a SLIS student, and one of my main goals is to integrate my strong interest in contemporary psychoanalytic theory (or psychodynamics) with information science. Do you know of any researchers who are doing work in this area?

    Thank you,
    Todd Pierce

  • Todd Pierce

    Thank you for your quick response.

  • Evan

    Hi Nilo,

    In my research your name has been coming up quite a bit and I am hoping you could provide some guidance to me. Based on your linkedin article, it seems like you are quite familiar with raw EEG analysis, especially with the Emotiv EPOC and EEGLAB. I am trying to meet a deadline with a research project but I am running into a lot of issues in the analysis phase because I am a complete novice and can’t find a contact who is familiar enough with EEGLAB to assist me. I am looking to analyze frontal alpha asymmetry in EEGLAB from data I recorded using the Emotiv EPOC. Can you just tell me your best estimate of the steps I need to take to fully analyze the data?

    Can I just filter the data to 8 – 12 Hz? Is that sufficient or is there more I need to do? As I said, I am a novice so rejecting artifacts by eye or component maps isn’t really something I’m confident with. My plan was to apply those filters, then clip the continuous data for the epochs I want to examine, and then just do spectral analysis to see if there is a significant difference between the epochs. The problem is: this seems way too simple to be everything that I need to do. Am I missing anything (if so, what more should I do), or would this be valid enough data to get reliable results and use in my paper?

    I would be so grateful for your input.



    • nilo

      Evan, Great valid questions! I feel your pain, as I have gone through the same. Since I get asked these questions quite often, I am going to write a blog post about the methods that I ended up choosing/using. Please stay tuned. Meanwhile, please keep in mind that running these analysis are totally individual to each study, as research questions/needs vary. So, there is no ‘one’ answer. I spent months studying and reading through forums, discussions, and papers until I established what I needed to do for my particular research (using EEGLab on MatLab) with the Emotiv research edition. Hope my upcoming post helps. Thanks!

  • Congratulations, Dr. Kuhlthau! - Information Matters

    […] A Process Approach to Library and Information Services (Kuhlthau, 2004). She also noted that Nilo Sarraf (a “Neuro Information Scientist”) has recently used EEG imaging to document the ISP in new […]

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